Using filters

Using filters

You can control which issues or projects are not relevant for chart you want to render and remove them using filters. At the moment, the combination of the following filters can be used:
  • Status - Issues with given statuses can be toggled on/off. The list of available statuses to choose from is combined from all projects that are coming from JIRA backend
  • Type - Same as above but for issue types
  • Project - You can select which projects should be included on the chart
  • Component - Only issues with given components assigned will be rendered
  • Version - Same as above but for versions ("affected" and "fix" versions combined)
  • Labels - Same as above, issues marked by given label can be toggled on/off
  • Sprint - On instances with JIRA Agile add-on enabled, it is also possible to filter by sprints
  • Assignee - Only issues assigned to given person will be rendered

A simple example below shows how filtering works. You can see two filters being active: Status and Component. Numbers right before filter name are indicating how many statuses, components etc. had been matched. In this case, there's one status that match ("In Progress") and one component:

Active filters

Another example, with all the filters removed. Issues EP-2 and EP-6, previously removed, now are rendered in appropriate places:

Filters disabled

Affected vs Fix Versions


"Version" filter works against both "affected" and "fix" versions. Therefore, if an Issue has two versions assigned, for example, one as "affected version" and another "fix version", both these versions need to be checked on filter's dropdown list to have such Issue rendered on the chart. For more sophisticated filtering scenarios, JQL can also be used.


  • Active filter's choices are remembered on per user basis.
  • All values in the filter drop down list (versions, components, labels etc.) are collected from all the issues delivered to the Gantt Cloud via JIRA API. Therefore, if there isn't any issue assigned, for example, to particular version it won't be available for filtering.

Related Issues:

key summary type updated priority status