Notification Schemes

Notification Schemes allow you to schedule notifications and stay informed about important things you case of.

These are the main areas you can configure:

  • schedule - flexible way of defining when updates is sent
  • condition/content - Jira filter or JQL that define what issues are included in the report
  • destination - email address or Slack channel that receives this notification
  • format - what issue details are included in the report

Schedule supports all the ways Jira filter notifications can be configured (see Fig. 1):

  • day: selected days of week or selected day of month
  • time: an exact moment of day or periodically between selected hours with configurable frequency

Condition supports the following:

  • selecting an existing Jira filter
  • entering a valid JQL
  • combining these two above - report includes issues that match both Jira filter and an additional JQL

Destination may be specified as (see Fig. 2):

  • an email address - email is sent to the specified email address
  • Slack channel - Slack message is sent to to the specified channel - requires Slack authorization

Format lets you define what extra information beyond an issue key and summary will be sent along with each issue (see Fig.3)

Fig.1 Notification Scheduling

Fig.2 Notification Channels

Fig.3 Template Editor