Answering Help Request

Anyone from LiveChat has asked for your help?

Response options

You have two options to answer:

  • send a single message as an answer

  • (if allowed) spawn a dedicated private channel visible to you when you can track the entire conversation and provide ongoing support for the agent when necessary

Single answer

  1. Click Response privately in LiveChat and the dialog will open.

  2. Enter text message that will be sent to LiveChat and will be visible to agents only.

  3. Click Send.

Ongoing help

  1. Click Open private channel and the new private channel will be created. Its name will be added to this request message.

  2. Everything that happens in this LiveChat conversation will be forwarded to this Slack channel so you will have full picture of what is discussed. However, previous messages will not be accessible.


  3. Everything you send to this channel will be posted to this LiveChat conversation and all agents will be able to see it.